Summary: | The Ratu Boko Site is a historical site that might be protected its existence
in Sleman regency, DI Yogyakarta province. The building of supported facilities
of the Ratu Boko site caused the geometrical change and olso slope loading.
Yogyakarta earthquake 2006, ocoured instability of the Plaza Andrawina building,
such as beam and column crack, whereas it has carried out the rehabilitation with
supported column. Research observation are slope deformation, safety factor,
coused of building instability and the effectivity of rehabilitation.
In this study, the analysis using finite element method with the plan strain
model by the assistance of Plaxis V8.2 software. The model that is used are natural
slope, after the slope change and building facilities and after rehabilitation as well. The
geometry input and layer structure from topography data and field observation. While the soil parameter input, rock and concrete from secondary data which is validated before. The analysis model is static and dynamic load.
In regard of numerical simulation, occurred the deformation after the
change of geometrical slope of the Ratu Boko site. The consequence of building
facilities, occurred increasing of deformation either static load or dynamic load
around outside foundation. By viewing from slope stability, also occurred the
decrease of slope safety factor up to this condition is 1,274 compared with natural
slope is 2,767, and olso the increasing displacement different to both outside
foundation that is induced space of both columns changed such as existing
condition by + 3 cm. the crack of joined beam and column outside such as
existing condition (1-2mm) effected by the accumulation of outside vertical
foundation displacement more than after the earthquake and excavation
foundation so that it induced angular distortion is 1/213. After setting out the
supported column it is effective enough to reduce the increasing before, by caused
of earthquake load the difference of displacement within both outside column is
1mm, the displacement of inside vertical foundation more than of outside
foundation with the result that it reduces angular distortion before becoming
1/148, as well as increasing the safety factor of slope when the earthquake that is
2,489. In terms of angular distortion, due to static load the values obtained still
relatively high that is 1/199 if supported column carried out together with building
facilities, but this damage including light.numerical approach 2D model with
software Plaxis proved to be able to model of soil structure as well as building
altogether to obtain their interaction.