Summary: | This study uses Agenda Setting approach to examine whether a relationship
between Online Media Agenda and Public Agenda. Objects of this study are
Online Newspaper and public that consist of 200 Graduate students
in Law Faculty, Gadjah Mada University. They were selected through Simple
Random Sampling procedure. Issue that going to examine is single issue:
Corruption in Indonesia. Beside that, researcher attempt to examine whether
there are variables that affect the relationship between Online Media Agenda and
Public Agenda : Credibility of Media, Media Usage, and Need for Orientation
(roled as Control Variables). This research uses two methods: Content Analysis
and Survey. This study suggest that there was a strong relationship between
Media Agenda Online Newspaper and postgraduate students public
Agenda (γs =0,821). However, that relationship was not significantly affected by
three control variables. Control Variables are specifying variables that describes
relationship between Online Media Agenda