Summary: | The aims of this study is to investigate cognitive absorption within individual
beliefs about the technology of e-learning use. Cognitive absorption, theorized as
being exhibited through the five dimensions of temporal dissociation, focused
immersion, heightened enjoyment, control, and curiosity, is posited to be a proximal
antecedent of two important beliefs about technology use: perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use. A model, based on Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, was
developed to test number of variables as the antecedents of cognitive absorption,
which include the influence of top management commitment factor, social factor and
A sample of 107 respondents participated in the research. In informing the
results, the study utilized the partial least square (PLS) model with the support for
SmartPLS 2.0 software. Our findings suggest that beliefs about e-learning usage can
be influenced by cognitive absorption. Significant relationships were found between
social factor and cognitive absorption, and between playfulness and cognitive
absorption. Theoretical and practical implications are offered.