Summary: | Background: One of the strategies of health promotion in the context of Iodine
Deficiency Disorders (IDD) prevention is health education using persuasive
Objective: To measure the effect of persuasive communication methods toward
changes in knowledge and attitudes of childbearing age women in the prevention
of IDD in Kepil district, Wonosobo regency.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with non equivalent with pre-test
and post-test of control group design. Subject of the study were women of
childbearing age in Pulosaren village. There were as many as 68 respondents
who were interviewed using questionnaire. The data then were analyzed using ttest
for normally distributed data and using Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon for skewed
distributed data.
Results: The results of analysis (pre-test to post-test 1) showed that health
education using persuasive communication produces a mean difference of
knowledge 5,56, and the mean difference in attitude 4,68. Non persuasive
communication method produces a mean difference of knowledge 3,74 and the
mean difference in the attitude 1,35.
Results of analysis (pre-test to post-test 2), showed that health education using
persuasive communication produces a mean difference of knowledge 6,00 and
attitudes 5,65. Non persuasive communication method produces a mean
difference of knowledge 3,21 and the mean difference of attitude 2,03
Conclusion: The method of persuasive communication can improve
respondents' awareness of IDD. Persuasive communication methods can
improve respondents' attitudes about IDD. Persuasive communication methods
more effectively improves the knowledge and attitudes of respondents about IDD
than counseling without persuasive communication.