Summary: | This research is aimed at concluding the essence of poems for Iman Budhi Santosa, following as a figure and his consistence, loyalty, and excellence in poetry in Yogyakarta. His life or reality is life or reality of poems. The approach used is phenomenology exposed by Edmund Husserl. Phenomenology is the reflective study of the essence of consciousness. Yet it is different from that of skeptical, relative and idealist psychology. Consciousness in phenomenology is intentional. It constitutes integrated structures of two poles: subject which is thinking � object which is thought about.
The method of Husserl�s phenomenology is called �reduction�. It manages to clear out something accidental, inconstant, variations and leading to pure consciousness or pure essence of thought. The reduction is multifarious of Iman construction of thought of common poems. For leading the essence, researcher doing classify and make abstract. The data is words that consist and represented of Iman construction of thought of common poems. There are two kind of data