Summary: | Iran has got sanction from United States, Security Council of United Nation, and
European Union since few years ago. This invites all states in the world to join together for
isolating Iran from international forum. Yet, AS and Israel�s threat to forbid all of Non Aligned
Movement members to attend the Tehran Summit Iran ignores. Iran succeeds in inviting all of
Non Aligned Movement members to come to this agenda.
For the first time, the Egypt�s president, after the Camp David Agreement, comes to
Tehran for attending this summit. The United Nation secretary, Ban Kimoon, also comes to the
agenda. The Non Aligned Movement Summit succeeded in making a declaration, which called
�Tehran Declaration�. It is a milestone of the existence of the Non Aligned Movement�s role in
international affair. Furthermore, the declaration says that the Non Aligned Movement members,
including Iran, are permitted to enrich nuclear for international peace.