Summary: | The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the economic value of
forest and oil palm plantation at Kapuas Regency , Central Kalimantan Province,
Indonesia. The values of forest that measured by researcher in this study are
timber, job availability, biodiversity and the cultures of the local society.
Meanwhile, oil palm plantation assessed based on value of crude palm oil (CPO)
and palm kernel oil (PKO) and income from employment provided by palm oil
plantations. This research used three methods of economic valuation. The
methods are market value approach, benefit transfer and contingent valuation.
Based on the research, total economic value of forest is Rp11.000.128,71
per ha/year whereas total economic value of oil palm plantations is
Rp7.458.015,60 per ha/year. Because of comparison necessity, researcher used
the area of oil palm plantations (20,600 hectares). So, economic value of forest for
20,600 hectares is Rp226.602.651.396,96 per year while the economic value of
oil palm plantations in this study is Rp153.635.121.286,829 per year.
Furthermore, Net Present Value cost benefit analysis of oil palm plantation (For
25 Years, discount rate 10 percent) is minus -Rp662,311,677,304,- and Benefit
Cost Ratio is 0,677. It's mean, the value of forest more expensive than oil plam
plantation projects. If forest change into oil plam plantation , the project will not
provide great benefit. Contrary, if the project implemented by the company,
Economically, the people will lose the forest (opportunity cost) around