Summary: | Impairment of lacrimal drainage can occur after phacoemulsification. It is suspected due
to inflammation and reduced the power of the eye blink in the early postoperative. In each
cataract surgery, speculum always used to open and maintain the opening of the lid during
surgery. The eyes and eyelids are very soft, therefore speculum should be lightly and has a blunt
edge. Speculum generally grouped into locked and unlocked.
This research is a quasi experimental study to determine the proportion of differences
impairment of lacrimal drainage after phacoemulsification between groups using locked
speculum and unlocked speculum. In this study, subjects studied were patients of senile cataract
performed by phacoemulsification technique in RSM Dr.YAP Yogyakarta. The subjects are
grouped into locked speculum group and unlocked speculum group. The subjects consisted of 40
patients using a locked speculum and 40 patients using a unlocked speculum, who underwent
phacoemulsification surgery from May 2013 to August 2013.
Characteristics of study subjects include age, gender, preoperative taste test, preoperative
Schirmer test, palpebral fissure width, operation time, equivalent between the two groups.
Results of statistic test of research subject characteristics, based on mean age of research subjects
between both of groups, indicated that there was no statistically significant difference (p: 0.131).
mean preoperative taste test in locked speculum group 4,008 minutes ± 0,713 while the unlocked
speculum 4.022 minutes ± 0.645 indicated that there was no statistically significant difference (p:
0,927). Mean preoperative schirmer test in locked speculum 10,75 mm ± 4,871 while the
unlocked speculum 9,13 mm ± 2,937 indicated that there was no statistically significant
difference (p: 0,075). Based on mean operation time of research subjects between both of groups,
locked speculum group 25,900 minutes ± 4,295while the unlocked speculum 24,800 minutes ±
2,937 indicated that there was no statistically significant difference (p: 0,302). After processing
the data, there are differences in the proportion of impairment of lacrimal drainage in both
groups of speculum. Proportion impairment of lacrimal drainage at one week after surgery
65.5% in the locked speculum group while the unlocked speculum group 27,5% in this case the
difference in proportions was statistically significant (p: 0.001).
Based on this research, found the proportion of impairment of lacrimal drainage in the
locked speculum group more than the unlocked speculum on a week after surgery. Impairment of
lacrimal drainage can be predisposed by cataract surgery in eyes with senile cataract.