Summary: | Perenjak Jawa (Prinia familiaris), Kutilang (Pycnonotus aurigaster), and pentet (Lanius Schach) are endemic songbirds in Indonesia. Each bird has a distinct voice. Bird�s song characteristics can be used as a basis for birds� determination. This research aims were to determine the character of sounds, the anatomy of syrinx, and sound production mechanism of these three birds. These birds� voices and behaviors were observed daily for 42 days. The voices were analyzed in the form of sonogram by means of the Audacity� program. Voices sampling were conducted three times a day, 06:00 am -8:00 am, 11:00 am-13:00 pm, and 16:00 pm-18:00 pm. Singing voice parameters consist of duration of the song, repertoire size, number of syllable types, syllable repertoire, song repertoire and the increasing number of syllable types were also determined. Morphology of the syrinx and supporting vocalization organs such as eidonomy of beak, head, neck, anatomy of bronchus and trachea were also observed. Alizarin Red staining method Alcian Blue (ARAB) method was employed to investigate skeleton structure of the syrinx. Microanatomy tissues preparations of syrinxs were done by paraffin method with Hemaxtoxylin eosin (HE) staining procedures. Base on the analysis from six parameters of the sound character of these three birds, the results revealed that Kutilang (Pycnonotus aurigaster) has the ability to produce wide range sound variations and adapt to the new environment quickly compare to the other two. The structure analysis of the vocal tracts, there were differences of structures of the vocal tracts and vocalization supporting organ on these three species. There were differences in beak, head, body, neck, trachea, bronchus morphologies. The main differences in syrinxs were the tympanum structure, especially on its shape, fusion, and tympanic processes. The labium internum�s structure, the vocalists membranes, and pesulus were dissimilar from one bird to others. Structural vocal tract differences lead to differences sound production mechanisms of these three birds.