Summary: | Pongkor is the largest epithermal gold mining located in Bogor Regency,
West Java, Indonesia operated by PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk. Pongkor has four
primary veins which parallel in Northwest - Southeast relative direction. It is
dominantly found in extensional fractures or faults which also in the same
direction. Nowadays the exploration activity is still ongoing with multidiscipline
approach. Nevertheless, quantitative interpretation has never been applied in the
research area. As science growing faster, researcher want to explore the area with
another method based on GIS (Geographic Information System) (hereinafter
named GIS). One of these GIS methods is spatial analysis, which used to knowing
spatial relationship between the occurrence of epithermal veins regarding the
control of geologic aspects, especially structures (or lineaments). Interpretation of
geologic structures (lineaments) is based on DEM image, which generated from
digital topographic map. This image is enhanced using one of GIS tools in order
to get good visual for better interpretation. Lineaments are buffered and dissolved
by direction in several distance. After those spatial analyses were done, field
measurements data (such as lithologic sample, structures and veins measurements)
are used to verify the result of spatial analysis. The result is a map where shows
the location of potential veins predicted inside Pongkor contract area. It could be
one of the guidance for development evaluation in Pongkor