Summary: | The settlement of Code river side that placed in the central of Yogyakarta
City is a district located in the east of Malioboro CBD. The density in this district
more and more rising because of higher urbanization flow entrance to Yogyakarta
City. Many immigrants or newcomers working at CBD arround Malioboro choose
to live here. Consequently, growing some unlisenced houses in banks of Sungai
Code which in slum condition. Beside that, environment quality of that villages
more and more decreasing.
To solve that problem, this plan concept has drafted with some purposes in
relationship to increasing the quantity of appropriate housing and ease of acces for
pedestrian and cyclist. Based from image of the city theory defined by Lynch
(1960). The plan also reach of the district elements that expected to improvable
the image of dirty district. This concept made based of the data from secondary
sources, field surveys, and informant interviews.
Moreover, the analysis has done to planning district components
(Shirvani) for identify the potential and problems of the district. The potential and
problems of the district identified based on Tri Daya approach. The planning
concept that suitable with the field characteristics and social condition of citizens
is humanism concept. Remembering the limit number of the land, to increase the
quantity of appropriate housing doing by applying vertical housing technology. In
the other hand, the facts show absence in budget, time, and energy. Furthermore,
it needs a priority scale of this plan. Moreover, the core district planning
determined to be the major priority of improvement district plan.
Base on the data, the plan are :
a. Rusunawa with handicraft gallery and watershed park added
b. Pedestrian and bicycle bridge
c. Rusunami
d. Green streescape for river side
e. Signage and lighting the river side
The last section in this report showing the result of the plan that containing the
change of the disctrict elements. Finally, this session also show the catalytic
impact from the plan of pedestrian and bicycle bridge that the prior plan in this