Summary: | .
Ocean current is movement of ocean water masses both horizontally and
vertically that occur over a wide area. Data dynamics and ocean current patterns are
very important for the field of shipping, fisheries, and climate determination.
Acquisition of ocean current data using conventional tools is very difficult to do for
large areas and requires a large fee Therefore, the data that is used is from altimetry
satellite. The main objective of this study was to make geotrophic ocean current
movement by using the data of Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) from altimetry satellite
and analyzed flow patterns based on the Wyrtki current patterns that flow that
comprehensively describes the current pattern of the Indonesian waters
s This study used 8 cyle i.e cycle 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, and 93 to calculate
the standard deviation of the Envisat satellite data and 2 cycles is cycle 87 and 92 to
determine the value of SSH and SLA which was then used to make geosthropic
current model. Cycle 87 represented the current model in February 2010, while cycle
92 represented the current model in August 2010 that shown model when blows west
monsoon wind and east monsoon wind. In the process of making current model
required a reference in the form of the geoid that was the reason global geoid models
EGM2008 is used which was published by the International Centre for Global Earth
Models (ICGEM). Current model that had been formed then compared with Wyrtki
current model
The Results of this study showed that SSH in region of Indonesian waters
were in the range -90 to 90 meters with. 98.69% from the data had standard deviation
less than 1 meter. It showed that the data of SHH Envisat satellite had a high degree
of precision. Furthermore obtained-SLA from the reduction of SSH value by the
value of geoid undulations from MGG EGM2008 were in the range of 0 to 2.8
meters. Generally, SLA value in February and August produced the current model
followed the movement of current of west monsoon and current of east monsoon
which is dominant in the Indonesian region. There are some current model which
doesn�t match with Wyrtki current model, but there are some current model which
match with Wyrtki current model in region sample, such as : Jawa sea, Banda sea,
North Australia�s waters, Hindia Ocean, and Pasifik Ocean. Current model from
SLA ENVISAT had more complex current patterns when it compared with Wyrtki
current model because of the dense interval between the points of satellite record.