Summary: | Orange peel, a lignocelluloses waste material, which is the main byproduct of
orange fruit cultivation and consumption in Indonesia, has to be processed further to
avoid environmental problems. Recent research has demonstrated that orange peel
waste is a potentially valuable resource that can be utilized as a feedstock for biogas
production. In order to enhance the biogas production, the inhibitory effect must be
estimated caused by the presence of D-limonene.
In this work, pretreatments using solid-liquid extraction with n-hexane as
solvent and bubble extraction were investigated. The best improvement was achieved
when orange peel was extracted until fifth stage, which resulted in 80% of Dlimonene
reduction and 147% increase of methane production compared to that of
unextracted peel. In addition, extracted peel must be heated at 80 ºC for 30 minute to
eliminate n-hexane residue. On the other hand, bubble extraction pretreatment using
regular air at ambient temperature for 12 hours could reduce the D-limonene content
until 90% and produced methane about 89% higher compared to that of unbubbled