Summary: | Background : Hospital activities produce waste that can be the medium of
transmission of diseases and environmental pollution. The waste should be
destroyed. RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Saleh Ansari Banjarmasin have solid medical
waste destruction policy use incinerator. Many things qualify for solid medical
waste management is good and does not cause adverse effects to workers,
patients, the public and environment.
Objective: To determine how the use of an incinerator, waste management
procedures, the efforts made to minimize the risk arising from operational
incinerator at RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Saleh Ansari Banjarmasin.
Methods : This studi is a qualitative using case study design.
Result : RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Saleh Ansari Banjarmasin established the policy
implementation as refereds to the government regulations. Although the
separation of medical and non-medical wastes has been done, but building an
incinerator close ti several buliding. This can cause negative effects, especially for
staff working close to insenerator building. Ash disposal using open dumping
system. Separation of medical and non medical waste has been done.
Transportation using special trolley. Transporting and burning activities are
recorded and reported. Utilization of solid medical waste is carried out by former
utilization infusion bottles. Officer of incenerator only one person, sometimes not
fuel available, the capacity of incinerator and sometimes less damage. Disturbance
of operasional incinerator fumes and odors, especially in the mental ward.
Conclusion : Some things should be included in the planning of the hospital
incinerator repositioning away from the room, routine monitoring and inspection
of the quality of incenerator ash and gas, manufacturing waste incinerator ash
landfills are safe and supervision is supported by the decisive and obvious