Summary: | Kabupaten Klungkung is one of the places that have been developing in its tourism�s sectors and also increasing rapidly in the number of population. The rapid development in tourism�s sector and increasing number of population every year caused the increasing demand for information regarding public facilities. Public facilities are including nature tourism, spiritual tourism,arts and historical tourism, education (elementary, junior high, and high school), public health centres, banks, government offices, land and sea transportation, and sports. Residents in Kabupaten klungkung need the information regarding public facilities, not only its name but also further information such as location of the site. Therefore, The Department of transportation, Information, and communication of Kabupaten Klungkung is in need of tools that can give information regarding public facilities in Kabupaten Klungkung. This project develop a web-based dynamic maps that supply information regarding. the information regarding public facilities in Kabupaten Klungkung will be displayed by using Google Maps API.
All of the information regarding public facilities that is displayed in this system information are collected from the data that is gathered by the Department of Transportation, Information, and Communication at Kabupaten Klungkung, information in the internet, field surveys, which then compiled to be one in a MySQL database and connected with Google Maps API that can be accessed by user. In order to offer interactivity on the application, this dynamic map use web programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML, XML and PHP.
The project result is a web based dynamic map of public facilities in Kabupaten Klungkung. Through this application, user could find public facilities easily and quickly. Moreover, user who has registered and has been confirmed through the administrator can add map markers according to the list of available categories into the map easily. For updating and editing the database of the public facilities, this application is equipped with a searching, adding, alternating, and deleting menu of the data.