Summary: | An open-plan Offices is a type of office with no wall or full partition that separates between the workstations or work desks.
Acoustical problems that are often found are related with the ability to communicate among co-workers without any noise interference and noise disturbances as well as lack of speech privacy. Therefore, further research is requiered to find the optimal speech privacy distance. The Research methods that are used refers to ISO 3382-3 (2012), Besides that, it also used privacy index method and % ALcons is also used to analyze the speech privacy in every workstation.
Results of the analyzed data based on ISO 3382-3:2012 method show that the value of D 2 ,S < 5 dB , L p , A, S at 4 m is > 50 dB , and rD > 10 m. Therefore, the office rooms observed can be concluded as rooms with poor speech privacy. All of the workstation falls in the category of confidential privacy with the PI value in the range of 98- 99%. Utilizing the % ALcons method, some optimum privacy distance are noticeable occuring within these rooms.