Summary: | Background: Primary Health Care Management Information System (SIMPUS)
is an activity undertaken by the Primary Health Care (PHC) to support the
government's efforts to improve surveillance systems, monitoring, evidence-based
health information and set out in the Ministry of Health Strategic Plan in 2010-
2014. SIMPUS is a subsystem of a Regional Health Information System (SIKDA)
and National Health Information System (SIKNAS) developed at the Primary
Health Care. SIMPUS implementation in Bantul district aims to help improve
health services at the PHC. In the SIMPUS application in Bantul district, there are
obstacles that need to be considered and handled properly. SIMPUS evaluation in
Bantul district using HOT-Fit method is used to determine the extent of adoption
and implementation constraints in SIMPUS to explain the relationship between
the components of the information system of the human, organization, and
technology that support the implementation of SIMPUS.
Objective: This study aimed to describe the condition of the SIMPUS application
to strengthen health services in the Bantul district, by describing the benefits of
technology application to human and organization SIMPUS in Bantul district.
Methods: This research is a qualitative study using exploratory approach. Data
was collected through interviews with informants, observation at PHC and written
documentation of activities SIMPUS application.
Results: SIMPUS been used in PHC at Bantul district that serve to strengthen
health care services by reference to the correspondence between the human,
organization and technology. The barriers to implementation SIMPUS application
in Bantul is the limitations human resource factors, but organization factor is able
to provide full support that enable SIMPUS as a technology factor remains used
being the the data management information system.