Summary: | Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosais a popular nosocomial
pathogen, which is also causes oppotunistic infection. Many P
aeruginosaare intrinsically resistant to many antimicrobial
therapies making it difficult to treat certain diseases.
Mostly they are found to have metallo-β-lactamase(MBL), as one
the mechanism for resistance.MBL mediated resistance in P
aeruginosahave been increasing since year 2000, making
treatment choices very limited in Asia, Europe and Latin
America to non-β-Lactams antibiotics.
Objectives: The objective of this study is to find prevalence
MBL in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and test their sensitivity
towards Aminoglycoside class antibiotics and also determine
MDR among the isolates.
Method: This study is an experimental based descriptive study.
25 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosawere obtained from
Microbiology Department, UGM, were tested for MBL, using Kirby
Baeur disk diffusion test (Imipenem and meropenem antibiotic
susceptibility testing) and Combined Disk Imipenem-EDTA method
as a confirmatory test. Later Aminoglycoside class antibiotic
susceptibility was carried out.
Results: Among 25 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 4
isolates were screened positive for MBL, later was
confirmatory test proved only 3 isolates were MBL postive,
12%.Susceptibility testing showed, 23 isolates were resistant
to kananmycin. Three isolates were also found to be multidrug
resiatnt, one MBL producing ioslate is MDR.
Conclusion:Only 12% MBL found in 25 isolates, all 3 MBL
producing isolate were resistant to kananmycin and 3 isolates
were found to be MDR.Gentamicin, Amikacin and Tobramycin still
has high susceptibility to the isolates tested.