Summary: | Eruptions of Mount Merapi volcano disaster is fairly common in the
region of Yogyakarta and Central Java. In an effort to handle problems that
occur, there are always have a problem and one of them is related to how local
wisdom give a contribution towards mitigation.
In this reseacrh, researchers used the theory of general disaster and than
that was sent in the theory of disaster management and over again pursed into
discussions on disaster mitigation. researchers also used the concept of local
wisdom and also the relation between local wisdom to disaster mitigation.
This study used qualitative research methods with a phenomenological
approach to determine the phenomena that occur in the community. In the data
collection effort used data collection techniques, observation, interview and
documentation techniques.
The results showed that in society of Kinahrejo there are have a lot of
local wisdom that included local wisdom about local disaster mitigation . But the
wisdom is still well preserved until now. Local knowledge gave a good
contribution to the authorized agency in disaster risk reduction efforts in the
region Kinahrejo hamlet. It was evident from the start a good relationship
between the agency with their policy and citizens with their local wisdom to
jointly play a role in disaster risk reduction efforts.
Recommendations that can be given in the present study is that in disaster
risk reduction efforts, the parties play a role in it was not ignored local knowledge
as an element of local knowledge related disaster mitigation and if it is can be
managed properly it will give a good contribution too. Further, it is going to
facilitate effort approach to the community for disaster risk reduction policies
more easily accepted by society.