Summary: | The process of expanded polystyene production consists of two main steps,
the polymerization of styrene and impregnation of polystyene with pentane.
Polymerization of styrene takes place in a stirred tank reactor with semi batch
process at constant temperature (90oC) and pressure 1 atm. Impregnation of
polystyene with pentane is carried out in a batch reactor at temperature 90oC and
pressure 7 atm.
The expanded polystyrene plant with the capacity of 40,000 tonnes/year will
be built in Cilegon, Banten, which is considered as raw material oriented plant. The
plant needs area 5 hectares and 165 employees. Plant location is close to the sea, so
that water for plant utility unit utilizes seawater. The expanded polystyene
production requires styrene 46802,8 tonnes/year, polyvinyl alcohol 219,1
tonnes/year, pentane 13641,4 tonnes/year, and benzoyl peroxide 6,9 tonnes/year.
The required utilities are process water 227.364 tonnes/year, cooling water
1.703.476,6620 tonnes/year, steam 444.040,8345 tonnes/year, fuel oil 26.117,0655
and 792.000 m3/year of instrument air.
Based on economic analysis with the price of monomer styrene $1,000/ton
and expanded polystyene product $1,800/ton, the expanded polystyene plant has
fixed capital $ 6,975,913.05 + Rp 106.903.419.500,00 and working capital
$ 12,293,571.35 + Rp 3.131.917.300,00. At 100% production rate, obtained ROI
before tax of 34,64 %, ROI after tax of 17,32 %, POT before tax of 2,24 years, POT
after tax of 3,66 years, with BEP at 40,10%, SDP at 24,26 %, and 36,70 % for
DCFRR. Based on consideration of the economic evaluation results, this expanded
polystyene plant with capacity 40.000 tonnes / year is worth to be studied further.