Summary: | Cellulose fiber is an organic compound which is used in various industrial application
including textiles and paper industries. It has already used in production of Asphalt Sealer,
Concrete Cast, adhesive, coating, tablet filler and sealant. Conversion of cellulose
into biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol is under investigation as an alternative fuel source.
Firstly, bagasse as main material is mixed with hot water in pretreatment tank to
destroy the bonding between cellulose and pentosan. The next step, pentosan is hydrolyzed to
be furfural in Hydrolyser. In this unit, sulfuric acid 1.5% is added, the temperature and
pressure are maintained around 150oC and 7 atm. The product of hydrolyser then washed in
blow tank 1. The out stream is separated between solid and liquid phase by Rotary Vacuum
Filter 1. The separated filtrate which contains sulfuric acid has to be neutralized with
calcium hydroxide in neutralizer. The product of neutralization is then separated in rotary
vacuum filter 3. The filtrate product which contains furfural and water then separated in
distillation tower to get furfural 99%. The product of rotary filter
Lignin in the solid product of rotary vacuum filter 1 has to be separated in Digester.
In this unit, Lignin is reacted with sodium hydroxide 2.7 M to form sodium lignite which is
soluble in water. The digester is set to 160oC and 7 atm. The product stream is then
depressurized in to 1 atm and washed in blow tank 2. Solid and filtrate have to be separated
in rotary filter 2. The solid product which contains cellulose is then dried in rotary dryer to
get cellulose 92%.
This plant is designed with the capacity of 400,000 tons per year. The cellulose fiber
92% is produced from 640.000 ton/year bagasse and 1.942.22 tons per year of sodium
hydroxide 100%. The utility needs consist of 8.363.100 water tons per year, 1.242.343 tons
per year, 72.132,98 fuel oil ton per year and 1 MW of electricity. This plant is going to be
manufactured on 250 Ha in Central Lampung, Lampung Province with support of 163
Some economics parameters are evaluated such as: Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) is
Rp 909.892.522.265, Working Capital (WC) is Rp 335.487.549.447, profit before taxes is Rp
446.265.195.486, profit after taxes is Rp 223.132.597.743, Return On Investment before taxes
is 49%, Return On Investment after taxes = 24,52%