Summary: | Enterpreneur has been a promising occupation nowadays, starts from
home made industries, trading, tertiary industries, etc. Having certain skillful
which usually learnt by family and livelihood, somebody can be a success
enterpreneur. Indifferent with Wukirsari villagers, they chosen enterpreneur in
traditional craft division as their occupation. It�s been more interesting when we
know that in May 2006th, villagers live has been destroyed for while because the
earthquake. But, in 2013th, their live back to normal, as nothing happened.
Enterpreneur activities shown us their progress so when we calls Wukirsari
Village, the first thing we will think is their unique craft, such as batik, leather,
To know about the enterpreneur motivation deeper, this research used
mix methods. Concurrent triangulation strategy chosen as research approach
because data collection has been done in current time. Datas which needed in
analysis collected by depth interview, questioner, documentation, and observation.
Infomarnts for depth interview in batch of 16 people, who came from each kind of
craft, batik, leather, bamboo, and traditional roof. The informants has been chosen
using purposive sampling. Respondents chosen using stratified random sampling.
From datas collected, has been analyze using 2 theories, n-Ach by David
McClelland and Protestant ethic by Max Weber. N-ach said that someone do
something because psychologically he his self needs an achievement. Protestant
ethic said that someone work as religion interpretation and their trust to God.
In fact, the two theories can not be diseparate to explain the facts.
Psychologically, villagers works and felt satisfy when their work give them a
good result, then religion influenced that formed an work ethic. Beside satisfy
with their work�s result and do their religion responsibilty, they have to work
honestly, help each other, etc. Religion, local wisdom, and social network has
been a spirit unity to villagers to be an enterpreneur. Religion influenced to social
network, especially in social interaction, while social network influenced in
skillful progress. In the other side, local wisdom influenced religion
understanding. But I do not know which one most dominated and motivated them
to be an enterpreneur in traditional craft division.