Summary: | Background: The Jamkesmas program is a health insurance for the poor and near
poor that have been held since 2008. Comprehensive benefits provided to
Jamkesmas participants accordance with medical needs. The target group for
Jamkesmas in 2011 approximately 76,4 million. Jamkesmas program is not yet
able to encourage participants to optimally utilize the health care. At the national
level, Jamkesmas utilization for antenatal and neonatal care in 2010 are still low.
Data from BPS and SDKI shows the disparity in infant mortality among
provinces. Inequality of the health workers dan health facilities distribution will
make an impact for the equity of healh care dan national health insurance
Objective: To describe the equity of financing dan health care utilization by the
Jamkesmas participants in Indonesia.
Method: This research is descriptive, using the secondary data by cross-sectional
study. Unit analysis by the provinces and using the first quarter of national social
economy survey (Susenas) 2011 from the Board of Statistics Center (BPS) and
data Jamkesmas program 2011 from the Center of Financing and Health Insurance
(P2JK) Ministry of Health. This research use STATA and ADePT software to
process the data.
Conclusion: Inequity happens in health care utilization and the distribution of
Jamkesmas funds. Poorer individuals using more the outpatient care in public
health centers and the richer individuals using more the inpatient care in hospitals.
The distribution of Jamkesmas funds greatly favor to the poor in public health
centers and favor to the rich in hospitals. The amount of the hospitals has
increased, linear with the ratio of health care utilization by the Jamkesmas
participants. The government should make a quick respond by updating the
participants database to prevent the bigger inequity.