Summary: | Background:Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious disease, affecting about 9
million individuals per year and leading to approximately 2 million deaths. One
of the components of the Stop TB Strategy is to engage all care providers include
primary health care and all hospital even it public or private hospital. Public
Private Mix (PPM) approach involve all care providers in the implementation of
quality DOTS strategy which the purpose is accelerate case detection rate,
improvement of quality of TB care and the prevention of MDR and XDR-TB
cases. Patient�s perspective in quality of care in chronic disease have been
missing QUOTE-TB is a management tool developed by WHO which allows NTPs
to measure the performance of TB services and can identify which aspect from the
TB patient�s perspective in a health facility which need an improvement.
Objective: to measure perceived quality of TB care at serang public hospital and
compare patients�s perception between Serang public hospital and Citra Medika
Ciruas private hospital.
Method: a cross-sectional study, done by collecting data from kuesioner which is
collected from 79 TB patient Serang Public Hospital and 46 TB patient in Citra
Medika Ciruas hospital The study was conducted during April 1- Mei 30, 2012
Result and discussion: Five aspects of quality of TB care at Serang Public
Hospital had bigger QI scores than 1, which was: the waiting time(s) before
being served by providers of this facility is acceptable, not experience
discrimination because having TB, the facility is clean, comfortable benches for
waiting, and getting priority if patient suffer cough. There were 2 aspects which
need improvements in Citra Medika Ciruas private hospital are: health providers
informed on how to prevent HIV infection and receive support for transportation
from the TB facility.
Conclusion:The perceived quality of TB care both at Serang public hospital and
Citra Medika Ciruas Private hospital had been interpreted good by patient,it is
proved by more than half respondent gived 6 until 10 scores for overall rating of
the facility however still several aspect need improvement to mantain continuity of
care, which can result in patient satisfaction, and impact to better outcomes.