Summary: | Background: Hospital has become a rapidly-growing industry in Indonesia. One of
the strategy in winning the competition in the industry is to explore the needs and
expectation of customers by measuring customer satisfaction, which could be used as
basis for the planning of service quality improvement.
Objective: To measure customer satisfaction by analyzing the gaps between the
customer and the provider based on dimensions of service quality using SERVQUAL
Methods: The research used a Cross Sectional Survey design Study subjects
consisted of 9 managers, 100 front-line employees and 200 patients in Condong Catur
Hospital (RSCC) Yogyakarta. The research used the total population for managers
and front-line employees, whereas for patients, probabilistic sampling, a
proportionate sampling was used. This research used questionnaire adopted from the
concept of service quality research Parasuraman, et al. (1990), which includes
questionnaire for patients, employees and managers, based on the five dimensions of
SERVQUAL (Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy). The
questionnaire applied a seven-point scale, where the more negative the gap is, the
worse the gap, which represents bad customer satisfaction. Gap 1-4 also took into
account the antecedents of Gap 1-4, which are factors that influence the occurrence of
these gaps, which also affects the occurence of Gap 5.
Results and Discussion: The analysis of the five gaps using SERVQUAL method
showed that customer satisfaction in RSCC is low, represented by the negative value.
Calculation of Gap 5 produced an unweighted score of -1.05, and a weighted score of
-0.21, with the biggest gap in the dimension of reliability (-0.23). This indicates
patient expectations are greater than reality, where the quality of the services received
is low and patient dissatisfaction arises. Gap 1 also showed a negative score (-0.15),
means that managers can�t understand the customer expectations, where Gap 1
problem is about inadequate upward communication. Gap 2 showed that manager
can�t build a standart quality services for contact personnel to do their job. The
problem is about inadequate management�s commitment to service quality. Gap 3
showed that contact personnel can�t do their job based on the standart, because there
is poor technology-job fit. Gap 4 showed the big external communication within the
contact personnel and the customer so that the customer didn�t receive the satisfied
services. The problem showed that there is inadequate horizontal communication.
Conclusions and Recommendations: The overall customer satisfaction in RSCC is
low. RSCC should improve the quality of service according to the gap in order to
increase customer satisfaction.