Summary: | Background: In work motivation nurses is influenced by many factors, such as
working conditions, financial rewards, career development, infrastructure,
hospitals, hospital management, recognition / rewards, achievements, and status.
Lack of motivation in the work will affect the performance of services. One of the
nurses' performance appraisal is from capacity in implementing of patient safety.
Motivation of nurses working in Hospitals Kabanjahe is very different between
civil servants and contract status. Because it's like to study about their motivation
for work.
Objective: For the determine the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic job motivation
on the performance of civil servants and contract nurses in Kabanjahe Hospital.
Methods: This research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional design.
Research subjects consisted of 87 nurses civil servants and 18 contract nurses who
work provides direct nursing care to patients. Research tool used was a
questionnaire. Data analysis with descriptive, product moment correlation and
multiple linear regression to view the effect of independent variables on the
dependent variable.
Result: There is a positive and significant influence of intrinsic motivation the
performance of civil servants and contract nurse with the results (F-count = 4.670,
sig=0.034) for nurses and civil servants (F-count=5.262, sig = 0.036) for contract
nurses. There is a positive and significant effect of extrinsic motivation the
performance of civil servants and contract nurse with the results (F-count = 4.109
sig=0.046) for nurses and civil servants (F-count=5,535 sig = 0.032) for contract
nurses. For multiple regression analysis, there is a positive and significant effect
of intrinsic motivation and ekstrisik is jointly on the performance of nurses civil
servants and contract with the results (R² = 0.086, F-count = 3.949, sig = 0.023)
for nurses civil servants and (R²= 0.359, F-count = 4.205, sig = 0.035) for contract
nurses. There are differences in the influence of multiple linear regression
between civil servants and contract nurse with the results (Adjusted R ² = 0.064)
for nurses and civil servants (Adjusted R ² = 0.274) for contract nurses.
Conclusion: Intrinsic job motivation and extrinsic influence civil servants nurses
and contract nurses also either partially or simultaneously. And higher work
motivation are those of contract nurses.