Summary: | Background:
Clinical nursing was less promoted area and received less guidance in the effort
to achieve career development which was very useful to place nurses to certain
position suitable to their specialities and to provide better chances.
To explore hospital management policies and nurses� understanding about
professional career development of clinical nurses, and to identify career
development pattern in Wonosari Hospital.
This research was decriptive qualitative using purposive sampling in which indepth
interview was conducted with hospital management and local
government. It also involved Forum Group Discussion for a group of clinical
nurses which was divided into 4 groups, and 1 interview group.
Result and Discussion:
The career structure of nurses in Wonosari Hospital still followed functional
career structure of Civil Service, in which management did not have optimal role
in guiding nurses� career. There were many factors that influenced nurse career
development such as career planning that most nurses in Wonosari Hospital did
not understand. Hospital management also had mindset that physical career to
improve revenues was more important the development of existing human
resources. Lack of appreciation for nurses� work performance led nurses to be
less motivated to improve their career.
Conclusion and Suggestion:
The management career of Wonosari Hospital has not systematically developed
and nurses� career planning was still partially. Therefore, Wonosari Hospital
management needs to create a systematic professional nursing career
development together with Health Department, BKD, and PPNI of Gunungkidul