Summary: | This Skripsi entitled�Semiotic Analysis of Offering Elements in Puppet
Show in Pagergunung Village Ngablak Sub-district Magelang District�. This
Skripsi describes offering elements puppet show in Pagergunung village. Javanese
puppet show event was held in nyadran, saparan or the other thanksgiving events.
Puppet show in Pagergunung area use various offering elements and that elements
are not physic forms without meaning, butthe offerings element srepresent
referents which is beyond the physical form, and the name behind theo fferings
contained deep meaning.As for the purpose of this research is to find out its
various offerings elements in puppet show. Offerings elements in puppet show
were obtained by interview to the Puppeteer (Dhalang) and directly observed to
the puppet show.
Offering elements in puppet show were analyzed by semiotic analysis. In
this research, the author used �The Triangle of Signification� theory by Lyons, to
know the contained meaning in its fferings elements in puppet show.Here is the
data offering elements in puppet showin Pagergunung village:tumpêng,ingkung,
mênyan, kêmbang sêtaman, jênang abang, jênang putih, jênang sura, cok bakal,
kopi pait, teh pait, wedang santên, wedang putih, dhawêt, dhuwit, jajanan pasar,
pari, kêlapa, jagung, têbu dan gula jawa.
From the result of semiotic analysis can be known the contained meaning
in offerings elements in puppet show. Besides, by disclosed the meaning of
offerings elements in puppet show, society can know, understand, and preserve
puppet show by using offering elements.