Summary: | Title of this research is �Kajian Filsafat Politik atas Undang-Undang Nomor
5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria (UUPA)�. The
material object of this research is Act No. 5 of 1960 Re The Basic Provisions
Concerning The Fundamentals Of Agrarian Affairs (UUPA). That is intresting
because Act No. 5 of 1960 is the first national legislation which issued by the
Government of the Republic Indonesia after the August 17, 1945 revolution.
Regulation scope of UUPA including control, ownership, use, and management of
national land resources. The aims of this research are to describe the
circumstances and rationale behind the issue of UUPA, and to give critical
analysis of UUPA�s content of thought from political philosophy perspective and
to seek its relevance in global era in Indonesia.
This research is literature research. Data that used in this research are
written resources, either in printed or digital data, associated with UUPA and
political philosophy. Methodology that used in this study is hermeneutics which
its elements are description, interpretation, historical continuity, and heuristics.
The results of this research are: UUPA was issued on feudal and colonized
social structures relationships pattern as its background. Effort to eliminate the
oppress society relationships pattern and social structures can be reach with
several ways, and to develop the society relationships pattern and social structure
that propose righteousness dan humanity, are done by favor of a weak economy.
The fundamental premise of UUPA are:a) equality among man and equality
among nations