Summary: | The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of education towards the
knowledge of a treatment of an injury in tooth extraction patients at RSGM Prof.
Soedomo Faculty of Dentistry University of Gadjah Mada. This study used was a
quasi experimental with a non equivalent control group design. This study proceeded
by giving pre tests and post tests in 96 patients of tooth extraction treatments divided
into 48 patients with education and 48 without education given in RSGM Prof.
Soedomo. Education was given to patients aged 18 to 50 years old who had a first
dental history of a simple tooth extraction, without complication and systemic
disease. The educational subjects were given in 5 to 6 minutes time. The difference in
result of pre test and post test were each analyzed using Mann Whitney-U in order to
find out the effect of education towards patient�s knowledge in a treatment of an
The result came out were the pre test, post test and difference score mean in a
group with education given were bigger (4,85, 9,60 and 4,75) compared to a group
without education given (4,67, 6,00 and 1,33). Based on Mann Whitney-U analysis
was obtained a result with a significance value of p=0,000 (p<0,05) which also can
be interpreted that there was a significance difference in knowledge between a group
with education and a group without education given.