Summary: | BACKGROUND: The medical certificate is paperwork issued by the conclusion
of the results of a medical examination of the state of the human body and soul .
obtained information that there is still a delay in the completion of the process of
making Medical Certificate , which can affect the service completion of the
manufacture of a medical certificate given to the patient , which should be the
completion of the Certificate of Medical was 3 days , but that happens a lot
dilapanganya medical certificate was received penyelesaianya process , known
also that the Hospital will implement the accreditation Neat Panti so , will this
work was to diganakan in supporting the process of accreditation . Purpose: The
purpose of this research was to find out what are the causes of delay in the
completion Making Installation Certificate in Medical Record Medical Hospital
Panti Neat Yogyakarta Knowing the specific goal is the implementation of the
process of making a medical certificate in Panti Neat Hospital Yogyakarta ,
Knowing the average time of medical certificate in Panti Neat Hospital
Yogyakarta , Knowing the factors that cause delays in the completion of the
Certificate of medical Development at Panti Neat Hospital Yogyakarta . Research
methodology : research methodology used in this study is a qualitative research
approach with a descriptive cross-sectional study design . Techniques of data
collection in this study were interviews and observation . Results : The service
time of making application for a medical certificate at Panti Neat Hospital
Yogyakarta is served each weekday , starting at 07.00 s / d 14.00 pm every
weekday . Average turnaround time per one medical certificate is five days ,
resulting in the completion of the manufacture keterlambaatan medical certificate
. Factors that cause a delay in the completion of the process of making a medical
certificate is a factor of doctors , officials and officers filing assembling .