Summary: | With the increasing demand for electrical energy, electrical energy
distribution is expected to take place in a reliable and efficient. One solution is by
applying a high voltage on the transmission line, but with the high voltage also
increases the possibility of leakage current and corona. Therefore, it needs proper
insulation system to prevent leakage losses and corona so the losses such as
corona and leakage current can be minimized.
This study aimed to determine the effect of chopped glass insulators are
installed in series to the amount of leakage current that occurs at a temperature,
humidity, and conditions vary insulator. As well to see the effect of adding
chopped glass insulators and the time series of the corona inception voltage.
Testing is done by applying an alternating voltage (AC) at 10 kV to 120 kV
on each count of the glass insulator series of 1 to 5 pieces. Corona phenomena
observed by putting the camera in close to record sound insulator corona
happens. Then processed the sound of corona to see the waveform, amplitude
noise, time of the corona when its happened.
The results showed that the count of glass insulators mounted series
resistance affects the insulator in restraining leakage current and corona. Corona
noise generated will be stronger along with increasing the applied voltage seen
from the greater amplitude. By adding chopped glass insulator, then the corona
will occur at a higher voltage and occur at longer time. Performance of insulator
is affected by temperature, humidity environment around the insulator, and the
condition of pollutants on insulators.