Resumo: | Mendhak or popularly known as Nyanggring is a traditional ritual which is
aimed to clean the village with offer special dishes called Sanggring to Tlemang
ancestral village named Ki Buyut Terik. The ceremony is performed in 4 days
through several stage, started with clean up the fountain named dhudhuk sendhang,
then in second day people clean up the environment around the tomb of Ki Buyut
Terik where located near the village. The third day is a preparation day before
Mendhak or the main thing in ceremony, they are cooking the goat meat and
performing puppet show named Wayang Krucil as accompany the whole process.
The last day, or the forth day, people begin to cock Sanggring or called
Nyanggring along the puppet show until the process is finished. After the
ceremony, people are flocked to Ki Buyut Terik�s tomb to express their gratitude
to God Almighty and offer the Sanggring to Ki Buyut Terik before they are back
to village.
This research started on October-November 2012, and continued on April
2013 in Tlemang Village, Ngimbang Subdistrict, Lamongan District, East Java.
This research is purposed to reveal the meaning of mendhak ceremony in Tlemang
society which is including religion, social, policy, and economic. The method
used in this study is depth interview with several local informant and do
participant observation to collect important information. The result of this study
shown that mendhak ceremony is created to build people solidarity also as mass
party for the success harvest in their village, Tlemang. Announce that Ki Buyut
Terik as the former of this ceremony or mendhak ceremony, people sense the
feeling of having the duty to held this ceremony in every year. It is also became as
a way to legitimating the power and the position of village chair man (kepala
desa) who also role as kepala adat. This role is powerful to make the changes in
mendhak ceremony without change the value and means inside ceremony itself,
but the change are wished to make the ceremony run easily, more Islamic and
joyful. Â