Summary: | The background of this research is rooted to the debate on Andrea Hirata�s novel Laskar Pelangi whether it can be categorized as popular fiction or otherwise. The debate on virtual media found in the research �Laskar Pelangi: Kajian Genre Fiksi Populer�. The research employed genre theory with a purpose to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic factor of the novel so that it can be classified as popular fiction. In the genre theory, there is a formula to analyzes the intrinsic elements of the novel, like the theme, characterization, setting, and the mood/voice of the novel. Whereas, it can be seen the extrinsic elements are the reception of the society towards the adaptation of the novel.
The result of this research argues that LP is a popular fiction. This conclusion is achieved from examining the intrinsic elements of the novel which goes along with the popular fiction formula. In LP, the story plot is not convoluted, it bears a happy ending, and shows that the character always win the challenges. From the theme, it would be easily understood by the readers. In addition, LP discussed many issues, ranged from the poverty problem in Belitong, differences in living standard as well as the education background between indigenous people and �Gedong� people, the romance story between Ikal and A Ling, the Laskar Pelangi members who fall into the occultism and mystical world, as well as the struggle of the so called �Rainbow Warriors� in realizing their dreams. The LP theme, then, produces good values, such as the religious values, and any exemplary values in everyday life, even the values to be brave in fighting the ideals. The characterization in LP also shows it fulfills the criteria of popular fiction