Summary: | Government always finds it difficult to do a provision of toll road especially in regional
area. In order to overcome this difficulty, government established Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol
(BPJT) as a regulator of toll road in Indonesia in 2006. The establishment of BPJT influenced the
development of toll road. For the construction of Semarang � Solo toll road, BPJT as the
representative of government of Indonesia, engage PT. Trans Marga Jateng from private sector
to make a cooperation between government and private. The cooperation has been decided in
Perjanjian Pengusahaan Jalan Tol (PPJT) Pengalihan Jalan Tol Ruas Semarang � Solo in 2012.
PT. TMJ is a share division company whish establish because of the collaboration of PT. Jasa
Marga as BUMN and PT. Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah as BUMD. PT. TMJ is managed
privately for execute the Semarang � Solo toll road in the time scope of the project. The
management of PT. TMJ, such as the organization PT. TMJ and the cooperation between
government and private sector with Model of Build Operate Transfer (BOT), is very interesting
and raise the curiosity to study about this management.
Theoretical basis of this research are using institutional theory, institutional cooperation
in organization, Human Resource Management in organization, public private partnership, and
public private partnership model.
This research is using qualitative approach with descriptive research. Data are collected
by indepth interview and documentation. The information came from PT. Sarana Pembangunan
Jawa Tengah as the shareholder of PT. TMJ, PT. Trans Marga Jateng as the private and Tim
Pengadaan Tanah (TPT) in this joint cooperation.
Research result showed that the institutional cooperation of PT. TMJ is a private
company for the construction of Semarang � Solo Toll Road which established after the joint
cooperation between BUMN and BUMD. In addition, PT. TMJ also work as the executive of
Semarang � Solo Toll Road. Based on this research, PT. TMJ have worked at a Section of
Semarang � Ungaran very well, and Section of Ungaran � Bawen will be operated soon.
Coordination between shareholders is done by general meeting of shareholders for making every
decision in the company.
As the conclusion, PT. TMJ have been worked perfectly, but they need to optimize the
human resources management. The public private partnership also worked very well, but should
have anticipation, socialization and negotiation related to the land acquisition in order to achieve
the optimal goals. The partnership model of Build Operate Transfer (BOT) for the construction
of Semarang � Solo toll road is well implemented because the common goals become easier to
achieve. Some advice for PT. TMJ are Human Resources Management in PT. TMJ to do a detail
evaluation to give a feedback for every worker and apply reward and punishment system to
increase the productivity of the worker.