Summary: | Background : The prevalence of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) in Indonesia continues to increase.
DM is known as a disease associated with food intake, either as a causative factor or treatment.
Excessive food intake is a risk factor that is known to cause DM first. Lack of knowledge and
skills of a standard diet with a low stance and awareness for dieting, causing uncontrolled
nutrient intake. The consequence is that blood glucose level is difficult to control
Objective: To determine the relation between the level of food intake (energy , protein , fats ,
and carbohydrates) with changes of blood sugar levels in inpatients of diabetes mellitus type 2
in dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta .
Methods: This research is analytic observational longitudinal design and Nested Case Control.
Subjects are inpatients of diabetes mellitus type 2 in dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta. Subjects
are 52 patients divided into 2 treatment groups, groups of case which patients fasting have
remained blood sugar levels from baseline examination or tended to increase (n=24). While the
control group is patients who experienced a decrease of blood sugar levels or within the normal
range (n=28).
Results: Category fasting blood sugar levels which early entry with the highest frequency is bad
category, both in the case of group 22 respondents (91.7 %) and the control group 19
respondents (67.9 %) and the end of the study blood sugar levels are good and the controls of
the group were each respectively 15 (53.6 %) and 4 (42.9) while the highest frequency of the
cases as many as 17 categories of poor respondents (70.8 %). Level of energy intake group a
bad case of 16 (66.8 %), both 7 (29.1 %), and 1 (4.1 %). While the poor control group 21 (75%),
both 5 (17.85 %) , and 2 (7.15 %). Level of protein intake bad case group of 15 respondents
(62.5 %), both 8 (33.3 %), and 1 (4.2 %). While the poor control group 20 respondents (71.4 %),
both 6 (21.4 %), and 2 (7 %). Levels of fat intake bad case of 9 groups of respondents (37.5 %),
both 6 (25 %), and 9 (37.5 %). While the poor control group 6 respondents (21.4 %), good 14
(50 %), and 8 (28.6 %). Level of carbohydrate intake bad case of group 17 respondents
(70.8%), both 6 (25 %), and 1 (4.2 %). While the poor control group 26 respondents (92.9 %),
both 2 (7.1 %), and no more. Mann Whitney test results test the level of energy intake with a
fasting blood glucose level obtained p values > 0.05. Results of the chi square test intake levels
of protein, fat and carbohydrates with a fasting blood sugar levels obtained p values > 0.05.
This indicates the level of food intake does not directly affect blood sugar levels change.
Conclusion: The level of food intake (energy, protein, fat and carbohydrates) with changes of blood glucose levels in case and control groups have no significant relation ( p > 0:05 ).