Summary: | . T
Every company is familiar with crisis. It is something that can come from
internal or external conditions of a company herefore, there is no company in this
world resistant to crisis. One of the examples is an oil and gas company in
Exploration, Exploitation and Production of crude oil called PT Pertamina EP.
A pillage of crude oil happened in Jalur Pipa Tempino-Plaju, which connected
South Sumatera with Jambi has affected PT Pertamina EP, especially with the crisis.
The rapid development of information technology nowadays has made companies
unable to hide any crisis situation from the press. Some efforts have been conducted
in order to reduce the crude oil pillage, but the percentage of the crude oil pillage
especially in Tempino-Plaju has gotten worse each day. The worst situation happened
on October 3rd, 2012 when there was explosion and fire because of the pillage. This
also caused a lot of victims, including the pillagers themselves. This significant
moment has become a trigger from the previous crude oil pillages happened in PT
Pertamina EP. In seconds, the world could hear the news about the crude oil pillage
leading to fire and explosion, so the crisis management has not been very easy.
This research is done to find out the strategies used in crisis communication
conducted by the public relations of PT Pertamina EP in overcoming the crude oil
pillage happened in Jalur Pipa Tempino-Plaju. Of course, crisis management requires
plans that are able to face, respond and overcome the crisis immediately and
effectively, which include communication as a substantial part. To find out about the
Crisis Communication Strategies conducted by the public relations of PT Pertamina
EP, this research studies the crisis steps using four steps of crisis from Steven Fink (in
Putra 2008) and then, every crisis communication strategy is analyzed using Coombs
theory (1999).
The result of this research shows that the crisis communication strategy
conducted by the public relations of PT Pertamina EP in crude oil pillage has
implemented the following strategies: ingratiation justification, corrective
action, full apology and attack the accuser.However, the company has not applied
Denial strategy, considering the crisis scale and the need for support from many