Summary: | Risk of accidents cannot be avoided on industrial world. In order to avoid
the accidents, engineers use Safety Instrumented System (SIS). SIS is a system
which purposed to control the risk, so the probability of the accident can be
reduced into a certain safety level.
This researchwas conducted at PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North
West Java. The object system is Fire and Gas System (FGS) which is sort of SIS.
FGS is a system that can give a detection and mitigation function of fire and gas
leak on oil and gas flowing process on flow stations. The research continued by
evaluating all Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) on the flow station, by using
values of Probability Failure on Demand (PFD) and Architectural Constraints on
every SIF. The value of PFD and Architectural Constraints would specify the
safety requirement level which represents safety level that can be provided by fire
and gas system, or in other words, Safety Integrity Level (SIL). The evaluated SIL
would be compared to the required SIL, in this case, has been specified by the
company, SIL 2. The SIF evaluation method was Markov�s simplified equation
method. This research also sought the possible proof test interval duration so that
the proof test can be done as rare as possible without reducing SIL value below
the requirement.
The results showed that every SIF on the flow station has achieved the
required SIL, SIL 2, so a modification of the conceptual design of the FGS is not
needed. Also, the most possible proof test interval duration for every SIF varies
from once in 2,5 years to once in 17,5 years.