Summary: | Accident data from Ditlatas DIY show accident in Yogyakarta is great.
Until April 2012, have been 745 accident with average 248 accident every month.
Base on accident data from Ditlantas DIY can be describe there are four space
with high accident value that is Wates road, Magelang road, Jogja-Solo road, and
Ring Road. In this topic the composer choose Jogja-Solo road with range
Yogyakarta area as research object.
This research has purpose for knowing about accident characteristic,
identifacation potensial safety problem for road user and make map accident area
to suggest traffic solution with phenomenological geometri reparation, road�s
complement building, environment, and road�s facility support which potential
make accident trouble.
The result of this research is there are 28 blackspot and from statistic test
get five accident area with EAN value highest as studying site in Jogja-Solo road
with Jogja until Klaten boundary segmen. Accident area has different
characteristic depend on geometric, environment dan habbit of rider and driver in
that accident area, so solution which needed different too.
Keyword: Accident, EAN, Solution, blackspot.