Summary: | Traditional drainage of banana sale using directly had some weaknesses such as
long drainage, bad environmental condition, and it was less healthy. It was
conducted a research to examine the performance of rack typed dryer by air warmer
box on the stove in the process of banana sale drainage. This study was conducted to
know temperature change and air humidity of dryer, mathematic model of water
content change of banana sale, and the efficiency of drainage and the efficiency of air
Test was conducted in 3 variations of air rate flow in the warmer box of
0.0207096, 0.022923, and 0.03214 kg/s through opening blower regulation. The
process of banana drainage was conducted for 440 minutes using the material
capacity of 15 kgs.
It was found from the analysis of technical performance of the dryer that the
greater rate of air flow would make smaller the temperature in the drainage room.
Water content of the drainage result in variation 1 ranged between 15.69% to 26.18%,
in variation 2 it ranged between 19.94% to 25.57%, and in variation 3 it ranged
between 19.05% to 24.69%. In the drainage process of banana sale conducted in this
study, there were two periods of drainage rates: constant drainage rate and decreased
drainage rate. The constant drainage rate in variation 1 ranged between 0.466 to
0.690 percent/minute, in variation 2 it ranged between 0.640 to 0.743 percent/minute,
and in variation 3 it ranged between 0.682 to 0.779 percent/minute. Number of
constant drainage rate was decreased in variation 1 between 0.007 to 0.014
percent/minute, in variation 2 it ranged between 0.007 to 0.010 percent/minute, and in
variation 3 it ranged between 0.007 to 0.010 percent/minute. Number of efficiency of
drainage in variation 1 was 27 percent, 26.77 percent in variation 3, and 27.56 percent
in variation 3. And the number of efficiency of air warming in variation 1 was 28.51
percent, 29.96 percent in variation 2, and 36.89 percent in variation 3.