Summary: | This clay refrigerator is an aluminium cylinder placed inside a clay pot.
Space between them is filled by sand. To make them cold, the sand is watered
until it entered the sand and clay pot. The water will evaporate through the pore of
clay pot. Water evaporation absorbs heat from the load inside the aluminium
chamber, so that the temperature inside the aluminium chamber will decreased.
Two sets of clay refrigerator with different size are tested in a room
temperature between 25°C � 30°C. The temperature difference between control
water outside and water inside the refrigerator is measured. The test performed
two times. First, testing for 24 hours with refrigerator closed. And second, testing
for 24 hours with refrigerator open and close 30 seconds repeatedly every hour.
With the refrigerator closed, the small sized refrigerator can decrease the water
temperature with average temperature difference with the control water (�T)
1.9°C, and for the large sized refrigerator �T is 2.2°C