Summary: | Mentawai island is a regency in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located
near to tectonic plate subduction, therefore it makes the island very prone to
earthquake. 12 km deep and 7.8 magnitude earthquake at 21:42:59 (GMT+7), Oct
25, 2010 was one of the major earthquakes that ever hit this island. It occurred at
99,32° Longitude - 3,71° Latitude (CMT Catalog). Those earthquake is the major
earthquake for this research.
The Datas in this research were obtained from Harvard Centroid Moment
Tensor (CMT Catalog), global earthquake center. Earthquake data in surrounding
area 0°- 8° latitudes and 95° - 105° longitudes were collected from Januari 1
1977 to December 31
, 2012 with Mentawai earthquakes is a major earthquake on
the date of October 25
, 2010 at 21:42:59 (GMT+7), at positions of 99.32°
Longitude - 3.71° Latitude (CMT Catalog). The datas were proced to calculate
phase angle for each event of earthquake and then Schuster statistical test was
perfomed every 5 years with 2 years shift time.
Based on the result, only normal stress component that showed positive
correlation on phase angle and p value. Shear stress component just showed
positive correlation to � value. It can be concluded that 2010 Mentawai
earthquake with Mw 7.8 was triggered by the tide if normal stress component was