Summary: | This research was aimed to estimated the selling price of Ettawa
crossedbred and the purchasing price of feed, and also to identify the factors
that influence the decision of selling price of Ettawa crossedbred. The location
of the research was done in Nganggring Village Turi Sleman Yogyakarta. The
research was done from July until August 2013. The sample taking was done
towards the farmers and the sellers. The method of the sample taking was
done through a purposive sampling with consideration the farmers that have
Ettawacrossedbred 3 to 5 months old. The Samples of sellers taken 20 % of
total sellers around 20 people. The descriptive data analysis to identify the
selling price used table, while to identify factors that influence the decision of
the selling price of the Ettawa crossedbred used a multiple linear regression
analysis. The result of this research showed that the Ettawa crossedbred in
male grade A at the age of 3 until 5month, has the highest selling price which
is Rp. 1.729.730,00/head. The selling price of the kids in the cattle market is
higher than the seller come directly to the pens. The result of the multiple
linear regression analysis showed that the variable of the age and the goat�s
grade positively and significantly influence the selling price of Ettawa