Summary: | There are many big cities in Indonesia which have experienced a massive
development in industrial sector, transportation, settlement expansion, etc. The
impact of this development can be seen from the number of growing settlement
and public facilities located near noise source such as : industrial areas,
roadways, airports, railways, etc. Noise, one of the negative effects in human life,
emerges as the development continues to increase.
This research aims to figure out the ability of Quickbird image to get
variables affecting the noise level, to know the use of Geographical Information
System (GIS) to produce noise level map and to draw the spreads of noise level
map in campus area of Gadjah Mada University using Quickbird image. This
research uses filed survey method with purposive data sampling and the data
analysis itself is conducted qualitatively and quantitatively.
The result based on field survey and data processing using Geographical
Information System, it can be concluded that noise level in campus area of
Gadjah Mada University has four classifications. They are non-noisy
classification with noise level at 57,02 dB, average-noise classification at 59,19
dB, medium-noisy classification at 60,84 dB and 61,44 dB, and the high-noisy
classification with noise level at 66,39 dB