Summary: | In order to measure the transmit quality of VHF antenna, has been set up a
measurement system. For further purpose, this system can also applied for national
scale antenna competition. This system consist of main components which are Field
Strength Meter (FSM), Antenna Pattern Analyzer (APA), Directional Antenna
Pattern Analyzer (DAPA), and Antena Meter software.
Physic parameters of antenna considered to measure received signal
strength (dBV/m), SWR ratio, antenna Gain, radiation angle. Those parameters
measured using Spectrum Analyzer, MFJ antenna analyzer, and SWR meter.
As measurement result from five omnidirectional antennas tested (G5,
Telex, Dual-Band Supergainer, Larsen, ¼ Lambda) obtained the most best
performance showed by Telex antenna. And measurement result of two directional
antennas tested (four element and five element) obtained the best performance
shoed by five element antenna.