Summary: | Oral health status in elderly is characterized by tooth loss. It is perceived as
a normal condition therefore the oral health is being ignored in consequences.
Dental hygienist has an important role in early prevention and intervention of
dental health problem. Dental hygiene interventions are the delivery of dental
hygiene services based on the dental hygiene care plan to minimizing risk and
optimizing oral health. Dental health care for elderly with the number of
remaining teeth by either preventive or promotive dental intervention will be
better. The purpose of this study was to know how much dental hygiene
interventions needed in elderly at Posyandu Sanggrahan, Desa Tlogoadi, Mlati,
Sleman, Yogyakarta.
A descriptive observasional with a cross sectional design was carried out in
this study. Subjects were 40 elderly men and women at Posyandu Sanggrahan and
a consecutive sampling method was delivered in the study. The number of
remaining teeth condition measured by Brief Oral Health Status Examination
(BOHSE) instrument was performed as an independent variable, furthermore
dental hygiene interventions was used as dependent variable.
The result showed the number of remaining teeth condition was majority in
severe category both men (25%) and women (57,5%). The number of remaining
teeth was significantly decreased according the age increased. The majority of the
remaining teeth condition of the samples was in score 2 or severe category
followed by DM (52,5%), pre-diabetic (22,5%) and non-diabetic (7,5%). In
conclusion, dental hygiene interventions was needed in elderly population at
Posyandu Sanggrahan.