Summary: | Bridge is a structure built to provide transportation routes over river,
valley or the sea. The bridge can be facilitate interaction people from region one
to the others. In order to give safety and comfortable bridge, it must be always
evaluate to know its existing condition. In this final project, proper capacity for
superstructure bridge have been evaluated remaining capacity for Kuranji Bridge
that located in Sumatera Barat Province. Kuranji bridge is composite steel plate
girder with 120 m total length and 40 m length of each span.
This final project used field data survey that collect quality of concrete
data and dimensions data. Loading standard refers to RSNI T-02-2005, analysis
of structure capacity refers to RSNI T-03-2005 and remaining capacity analysis
used rating factor analysis in operating condition and inventory condition that
refers to Pedoman Penentuan Nilai Sisa Kapasitas Jembatan 024/BM/2011. For
comparison, analysis of structure using Pedoman Perencanaan Pembebanan
Jembatan Jalan Raya (PPPJJR) 1987.
The analysis result with rating factor analysis is Kuranji bridge
superstructure incapable of supporting traffic �D� load. However, bridge
superstructure still capable of supporting truck load in operating condition with
critical rating factor that 1,116 (for moment) and 3,685 (for shear). Analysis
refers to Pedoman Pembebanan Jembatan Jalan Raya (PPPJJR) 1987, bridge
superstructure still capable to supported because the analysis design concept used
ASD (Allowable Stress Design) that used serviceability loads. In order to keep
bridge safety operated, it need vehicle loads limited or gave strengthening for the
critical elements.