Summary: | People needs energy to do their daily activity. Electric energy are one of the
most favourite energy used by the people because their characteristic which easy
to converted to another energy. In another side the fuel cell combustion have been
main factor caused global warming, so that people would to reduce their electric
energy consumption. Universitas Gadjah Mada are interested with this issues and
installed Light Shelf at Universitas Gadjah Mada�s Diplomma Programme of
Economic and Business Faculty building on Jalan Prof. Dr. Notogenoro. Light
Shelf used for reflecting a daylight into the building. This research take a
concentration in audit the electric energy consumption and analize the influence
of Light Shelf installation to energy using at faculty building.
Electric energy cost at Universitas Gadjah Mada�s Diplomma Programme
of Economic and Business Faculty building are IDR 20.422.217,67/month and
total energy consumption are 25.000 kWh/month. Based on Intensitas Konsumsi
Energy (IKE) standards at the classroom discovered that IKE loosed at
Laboratory of Computer and Server room.
Electric lightening energy consumption are 78,80 kWh/month
approximately 5% form total energy consumption. Half of artificial light have
been turned on when the room are used. Light Shelf installed at all of the floor
faculty building, except at 5th floor. 62% Light Shelf are covered by gordyn
because it can makes a glare. Based on the survey known that 79 % respondent
feels comfort with the daylight at Laboratory of Computer, Office room and Class
room. Peluang Hemat Energi (PHE) for low-cost or no cost is emphasized in the
management of energy consumption and expected to be able to reduce electric
ligthening energy consumption 526,18 kWh/month and based on Tarif Dasar
Listrik (TDL) which regulated by Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resource no 30 year 2012 December 21st, 2012 for SK-3 type building IDR
867,10/kWh, PHE analysics expected to reduce electric cost IDR