Summary: | Dynamic movement sensor is needed to be applied for positioning of a
rocket. For example, RX-420 rocket of Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa
Nasional (LAPAN) has approximate speed of 1.5 km/sec. In this case, Global
Positioning System (GPS) will be useless, since GPS only updating its data for 1
second period. The existence of rocket position tracker is required due to the
strategic roles of a rocket. Based on previous explanation, a system for tracking a
rocket will be preliminary done in this research by applying a beacon radio signal.
In this research, the radio beacon tracking position system is built for
estimating the signal source direction in Very High Frequency (VHF) band. The
main equipment used in this research is Yagi 4-elements antenna as the sensor and
HT ICOM 02N as the receiver and signal meter system. The supporting
equipment namely AVR ATMEGA 16 for controlling system, Character LCD
16x2 as the display, and DC motor as the actuator. The algorithm is verified by
comparing signal strength and maximum signal strength which has been recorded
The result shows a low accuracy, shown from the experiment result for
tracking the radio beacon. The accuracy of our system is 80 % in 4-7 seconds
tracking and estimated error position is 15
� 30
. From the result, it is concluded
that our tracking algorithm and diagram block of radio beacon tracking system
have been tested and verified.