Summary: | Urban sprawl of Semarang that has spread to the urban fringe and
surrounding areas, particularly to the south, making the process much land
conversion occurs. Based RTRW Kota Semarang 2011-2031 , a urban fringe of the
city of Semarang has a way of planning as a function of settlement, agriculture, and
conservation. Semarang urban fringe area still has the potential of land to be built
into the settlement area. However, on the other hand the existence of agricultural
land and forest production still need to be preserved . This study examines aspects
of the carrying capacity of the region for the benefit of regional development in the
Kecamatan Mijen, Gunungpati, Banyumanik, and Tembalang, using three (3) types
of bearing capacity calculation approach, namely: Agricultural environmental
carrying capacity, carrying capacity protection function, and the carrying capacity
of settlements. The purpose of this research include: analyzing the carrying capacity
at district level in 2000 and 2008, the carrying capacity of the projected conditions
in 2028, and compiled a typology of regions and provide policy input.
Data processing is done in the secondary data in 2000 and 2008. Both the
statistical data, as well as image data and spatial. Statistical data mathematically
processed and mapped with regular intervals and classification method according
to applicable regulations. In this study using Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery, and
processed with a supervised classification method. Overview carrying capacity in
2028 is determined by the rate of population growth and land use changes. To
prepare the area typology, use the method of K- Means Clustering.
Results of this study indicate that the carrying capacity of the region and its
quality is impaired . Physiographic factors (physical appearance) and demographic
(population) affect the carrying capacity of the existing conditions. While the urban
and accessibility factors influence indirectly. Typology of regions formed by 4
(four) clusters. Cluster 1 has the advantage of supporting functions that are still
protected. Cluster 2 has the advantage in the agricultural environment that was
supportive. Cluster 3 has the advantage that all existing functions and cluster 4 only
superior in function of settlements are still supportive. According to the spreading
pattern, cluster 1 to cluster in the western region and cluster 4 to cluster in the
eastern part .